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How God Heals PTSD

How Does God Heal PTSD? As we observe veterans day today, we pray for the sacrifice that many veterans have made for us. Many veterans with severe trauma are suffering. They’re taking the right meds and are going to fantastic therapists but they are missing a vital piece. But are missing the most important and eternal piece, the spiritual peace. They are forgetting that God heals PTSD.

We often forget that God provides answers and healing through His guidance, the Holy Spirit, and the instruction of the Bible. The enemy distorts our view of the world with pain, misery, and confusion. We know God performs amazing miracles, but how does God heal PTSD?


โ€œif you live in my word (Bible), โ€ฆ you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.โ€

– John 8:32

The first step to healing through God is Truth. People who have experienced discomfort from previous trauma never want to feel those feelings again. As a result, they protect themselves in by heightening their security. A child with a backpack or a loud bang may cause alarms to go off and make us act or think in ways we normally wouldn’t. Here are ways God helps turn off those alarms and helps us see the truth:

  • The Armor of God gives us the strength, protection and perspective in situations.
  • Realizing who we truly are and Gods purpose for us to give us meaning and purpose.
  • Realizing how much God loves and values us.
  • Why God lets us experience pain and how that brings us closer to him.

These things will help us see through Gods lense and not our blurry distorted lense.


โ€œlest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.โ€

–  Matthew 13:15b

God heals PTSD in many different ways, such as:

  • Hope of eternal peace in heaven.
  • Soothe emotions, distress, and worries through prayer.
  • Peace knowing that our past and future is in Gods hands.
  • Forgiveness by taking Jesus’ example and forgiving the cause of the trauma and release that burden.
  • Answers by finding out why we are hurt, what are purpose and value in life is, and why we are here.
  • Security by knowing that you can overcome adversity from trauma and have the resources to cope just as Jesus, David, Peter, Paul, and Stephen did.
  • Acceptance in that not everything is in or control or going to go the way that we planned but in His plan
  • Grace because even though we make many mistakes and shame turn us away from Him he still gives us the chance to be feel at peace with him.
  • Power, God gives us a supernatural strength to overcome our many obstacles and become closer to him in our darkest times.
  • Unconditional love that He will always have for us no matter how many mistakes we make.
  • Relief when Jesus takes away our burdens from us.

The correct medications along with therapy will keep problems someone with PTSD may have and relieve many of the symptoms. But for long lasting results a Christian treatment facility will help those suffering with the tools to cope and get a better understanding of themselves and their relationship with God.

If you think you or a loved may suffer with trauma, take our PTSD diagnostic tool.