Alumni Schedule (HLC App)

Board-Certified Christian Mental Health Treatment

Honey Lake Clinic has the right people to help you start your journey to wholeness. We’re ready to help. 

Alumni Schedule

This week is the  week where we have our support squad meeting on Thursday. So please review the list of offerings and we can’t wait to see you!

 Our special teaching this Thursday will be for any of your family, friends, and spiritual support. This means that instead of our 2 alumni meetings on Thursday, we will only have ONE meeting this Thursday,  February 13th at 8pm EST. We will take from 8-8:30pm to do an orientation to help your squad understand the Honey Lake experience, especially as it pertains to the transition home. At 8:30 we will have new material for all with a “weekend encounter”-like session on Breath Prayers. For some of you, this material will be new, while for others this will be a much-needed reminder! 

If you have loved ones you would like included in the mass  texts to receive invites to the support squad offerings please text me their first name, phone numbers to 561-500-2232.

Here is how you get on for February 13th at 8pm EST:
Topic: Breath Prayers
Go to
Hit “Join Meeting”
Type in Meeting ID: 885 0245 8866
Passcode: Honeylake

Here are the rest of the Zoom offerings for this week!

For each meeting go to, hit “Join Meeting”, and type in the meeting number and passwords below: 

This is a topical study led by Pastor John and Tiffany complete with male/female breakout groups and opportunities to connect for prayer support and discussion. 
This Week’s Topic: The Mentor, The Mentee, & Me
Meeting ID: 854 9463 9486
Passcode: Lifeline

This is a peer led group by Dean who God has burdened with a heart for intercession. This is a great opportunity to pray for one, another, as well as staff and the mission of HLC!
Meeting ID: 846 4368 5173
Passcode: Lifeline

And here are the 2 Youversion Devotionals we are starting this week!

Sign up today for one (or both) of our Youversion devotionals starting this week on 2/12

Deep Breath
You can sign up by clicking on the following link:

2. Grace + Glory: 7 Days of Experiencing God’s Astounding Generosity From Louie Giglio
You can sign up by clicking on the following link:

You can also text us your choice(s) to 561-500-2232 or “friend” Honey Lake Victors on the Youversion app and you will get the invites weekly to make the choice!

Also you can stay connected with alumni as well as receive resources and announcements by joining:

We can’t wait to connect with you, and if there is anyway we can pray, serve, or support you please reach out to us (561) 500-2232.